PRODUCTS FROM INFINITE TECHNOLOGIES =================================== Infinite Technologies offers innovative and easy-to-use software solutions, designed primarily for the networked environment. We back our products with dependable service and special attention to individual requirements. All of our programs are easy to learn and use, and are designed to increase your efficiency. We also want to help keep you up-to-date with product information, updates and technical support. These services are provided via the following mechanisms: On the CompuServe Information Service, Infinite Technologies offers support and product updates in Section and Library 4 of the NOVVEN forum. Via MHS (through CSERVE or NHUB), you can address technical support and/or product information inquiries to SUPPORT @ INFINITE. You can also subscribe to our MHS Librarian! mailing list, which will include notices of product updates. To join this mailing list, send a message via MHS (CSERVE or NHUB) to LIBRARY @ INFINITE with SUBSCRIBE on your subject line. (CompuServe users can send a message to >MHS:Library@Infinite via CompuServe Mail.) For an index of files available via LIBRARY @ INFINITE, send a message with INDEX on your subject line. NETWORK UTILITIES ----------------- * I-Queue! - Simplifies network printing and print queue management in the Novell NetWare environment. From within a small memory resident pop-up (0 to 2-1/2KB), I-Queue! allows users to easily change NetWare print queues and modify "capture" parameters. I-Queue! is compatible with Novell's PRINTCON/PRINTDEF and adds global PRINTCON support for Novell's own utilities. Queue management capabilities include: delete/reorder print jobs, move/copy jobs between queues, and hold/delayed printing. NOW INCLUDES A WINDOWS VERSION! * I-Queue! Server - Turn printers attached to any network workstation into shared network printers. Two to four times faster than RPRINTER, compatible with workstations running Windows, and compatible with printer ports that do not provide "hardware interrupt support". * LockIT! - Intelligent Security for DOS & Windows workstations on Novell NetWare networks. LockIT! addresses the problem of users leaving workstations unattended, and the security issues that this presents. Unlike other solutions that will reboot or logout a workstation after a period of "inactivity", potentially leading to data loss, LockIT! locks out keyboard input until you enter your NetWare password...even allowing unattended processes to continue executing. * CastAway! - A better NetWare broadcast message trap. Get NetWare message notification (e.g., SEND) without your PC locking up until you press CTRL-ENTER! Get notified of new messages while in graphics based applications! All in 0 to 1-1/2KB of conventional memory! * PopIT! - Gain pop-up access to almost ANY program with less than 2-1/2 KB overhead. Network administrators -- access SYSCON, RCONSOLE, FCONSOLE and all of your favorite network utilities without leaving your current application. * OnCall! - A memory resident "Chat" utility for Novell NetWare, that runs in between 0 and 2-1/2 KB of workstation memory. Simple, straightforward, and easy to use. NOW INCLUDES A WINDOWS VERSION! EXPRESSIT! ELECTRONIC MAIL -------------------------- * ExpressIT! Electronic Mail - The ExpressIT! Electronic Mail product family includes the following products: * ExpressIT! - The network version of ExpressIT!, including the MHS-compatible DOS version, which runs in less than 2KB of resident memory. * ExpressIT! Remote - A remote version of ExpressIT! (DOS) customized for use on stand-alone/remote PCs. Includes Personal MHS and allows users to send and receive mail with any MHS based electronic mail system. Includes the ability to run the MHS Connectivity Manager from within the 2KB TSR without exiting your current application. * ExpressIT! Windows Client - An upgrade for the network version of ExpressIT! offering native support for the Microsoft Windows environment, and a wealth of additional features, including mail enabling of other Windows applications. * ExpressIT! Remote Windows - A remote version of the Windows version of ExpressIT! customized for use on stand-alone/remote PCs. Includes Personal MHS and allows users to send and receive mail with any MHS based electronic mail system. A special Windows based MHS configuration utility eliminates the need to use the MHS Directory Manager. * ExpressIT! OS/2 Client - An upgrade for the network version of ExpressIT! offering native support for the IBM OS/2 v2.x environment, and a wealth of additional features. All versions of ExpressIT! include ExpressIT! Directory Assistance, facilitating automatic exchange of user directories between ExpressIT! hosts. MHS GATEWAYS AND UTILITIES -------------------------- * MHS Scheduler - An MHS mail agent that provides greater flexibility in configuring when MHS will connect to a host. On a host-by-host basis, the MHS administrator can configure different frequencies of forced connections based on different times of the day, with separate weekday, weekend, and holiday scheduling possible. MHS gateways and internetwork connections can also be scheduled. The companion RunIT! utility simplifies the creation of batch file you can run your tape backup system on your MHS server. * MHS Librarian! - An MHS Gateway that allows users to request information to be forwarded to them via MHS. Requests are made by placing a keyword in the "SUBJECT" field of the message that you address to the library. A list of files may be requested by sending a message with the keyword of INDEX. The system Admin can also configure MHS Librarian so that selected users can request files or directories other than those that appear in the index. Security is provided by a password program that generates unique daily passwords, a fixed password, or you can create your own password utility. MHS Librarian! also supports "discussion lists", similar to the "list server" concept on the internet. * PageIT! - An MHS gateway connecting MHS-based electronic mail systems to full text alphanumeric pagers. Once configured, sending messages to an alphanumeric pager is as simple as sending a message from your favorite MHS application. * ForwardIT! - An MHS mail agent for automatically forwarding MHS based electronic mail messages. ForwardIT! can forward (or copy) messages addressed to an MHS address to an alternate address. ForwardIT! is most useful in the MHS remote e-mail environment. By remote, we refer to field workers or business travelers who operate ExpressIT! Remote, or other MHS compatible remote software, on a PC or laptop to access their electronic mail from a distant location. Examples could include a salesperson between sales calls, a business traveler in a hotel room, or work-at-home scenarios. Without ForwardIT!, when mail is sent to a recipient's office address, MHS does not allow for a remote user to dial into the network and retrieve mail waiting for their office address. Mail addressed to this office address can only be picked up at the office. In order to send a message to the user's MHS remote, the sender must assume responsibility for sending a copy of the message to the remote MHS address. With ForwardIT!, the user leaves a forwarding address at the office, and while they're out, all messages will be forwarded, or copied, to their forwarding address, giving users transparent access to their electronic mail while away from the office. This forwarding address can be any valid MHS address, including addresses via MHS gateways. * MhsQ! - An MHS gateway interface to NetWare print queues. Messages can be sent via MHS to a NetWare print queue. This capability can be useful for MHS remote sites and/or MHS enabled applications for generating printed output and/or reports. MhsQ! can also redirect print queues on one file server to a remote print queue on another file server via MHS. * ExpressIT! MHS Directory Assistant - A directory services gateway that automatically creates and updates user routes in a multi-host workgroup environment. Add a user at one host within the workgroup, and the user route will automatically be created at all other hosts within the workgroup. Add a new host to your workgroup, and the host and user lists will automatically be added to other hosts within the workgroup. (Directory Assistant is bundled with ExpressIT! but is also available separately.) * MHSNotify! - A TSR which runs on the MHS mail server only, and automatically notifies recipients of new electronic mail received from remote MHS sites, or across internetwork connections. An excellent alternative to MHSALERT for DaVinci e-mail users! (MHSNotify! is bundled with ExpressIT!) REQUESTING TRIAL VERSIONS VIA MHS --------------------------------- 30-Day Trial Versions of many Infinite Technologies Products can be requested via MHS. For more information, send an MHS message to LIBRARY @ INFINITE via CSERVE or NHUB, with a subject line of INDEX. DOWNLOADING TRIAL VERSIONS FROM COMPUSERVE ------------------------------------------ 30-Day Trial Versions of many Infinite Technologies Products are available on CompuServe! Look for the following files in the NOVVEN Forum, Library 4: EXPDOS.ZIP - ExpressIT! E-Mail (NetWare) (DOS Version) EXPWIN.ZIP - ExpressIT! E-Mail (NetWare) (Windows Version) EXPOS2.ZIP - ExpressIT! E-Mail (NetWare) (OS/2 Version) REMDOS.ZIP - ExpressIT! E-Mail (Remote & non-NetWare) (DOS Version) REMWIN.ZIP - ExpressIT! E-Mail (Remote & non-NetWare) (Windows Version) REMOS2.ZIP - ExpressIT! E-Mail (Remote & non-NetWare) (OS/2 Version) EXSPEL.ZIP - Supplemental file for ExpressIT! (Spelling Dictionary) POPIT.ZIP - PopIT! ONCALL.ZIP - OnCall! CASTAW.ZIP - CastAway! IQUEUE.ZIP - I-Queue! IQS.ZIP - I-Queue! Server LOCKIT.ZIP - LockIT! MHSCED.ZIP - MHS Scheduler PAGEIT.ZIP - PageIT! 4WARD.ZIP - ForwardIT! MHSNFY.ZIP - MHSNotify! MHSLIB.ZIP - MHS Librarian! EXDA.ZIP - ExpressIT! MHS Directory Assistant MHSQ.ZIP - MhsQ! And don't miss our *FREE* utilities (also in NOVVEN Library 4): NETERR.ZIP - Network error handlers (CRITTER, SHATTACH) to reboot unattended workstations and clear network errors. CREATQ.ZIP - Create NetWare print queues on a volume other than SYS: LOGIN.ZIP - Load TSRs from the NetWare Login Script without losing available memory! MHSACT.ZIP - Automatically re-activate deactivated MHS internetwork hosts without operator intervention. MHSSWP.ZIP - Redirect MHS swap files to a local drive or VDISK. MHSBPL.ZIP - Configure MHS 1.5C host to host communications to use the B+ protocol. SENDIT.ZIP - Send MHS messages from the DOS command line or batch files. Plus, other helpful text files and reports: MHSGAT.TXT - NetWare MHS and Gateways overview DOSMEM.TXT - PC Memory management/architecture overview WINTIP.TXT - Windows vs. NetWare Troubleshooting Tips ...and stay tuned for MORE!!! FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: T E C H N O L O G I E S 11433 Cronridge Drive, Suite H Owings Mills, MD 21117 +1-410-363-1097 FAX: +1-410-363-3779 MHS: Support @ Infinite CompuServe: >MHS:Support @ Infinite (or 73270,405) Internet: Technical Support provided on the CompuServe Information Service in NOVVEN Section 4 (GO INFINITE) In Australia: Future Technologies, Level 2 - 60 York Street, Sydney NSW Telephone: (+61) 02 299-1400, FAX: (+61) 02 299-1401 Contacts: Cynthia Kuiper, Richard Denyer or Steve Ross In Austria (sterreich): MISSING LINK GmbH, Wickenburggasse 14, A-1080 Wien Telephone: (+43) 0222-4089071; FAX: (+43) 0222-4089071-15; MHS: Support@MLink Contact: Johannes Zeitelberger In Germany (Deutschland): PLZ 2/4 -- Ing. Bro, K.H. Lendroth, Auf dem Kleinen Feld 8, D-28717 Bremen Telephone: (+49) 0421 6361391, FAX: (+49) 0421 6362344, MHS: KLendrot@Lend-Ing Contact: Karl-Hermann Lendroth PLZ 0/1/3 -- microCOM Franchise GFI, Gesellerschaft fr Informationssyteme, Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG, Bayerische Str. 32, D-10707 Berlin Telephone: (+49) 030 8819011, FAX: (+49) 030 8822792, MHS: Juergen@MC Contact: Jrgen Knaack PLZ 5/6/9 -- SHIFT Computer GmbH, Wrzburger Str. 62-68, D-63739 Aschaffenburg Telephone: (+49) 06021-3969-0, FAX: (+49) 06021-3969-21, MHS: STW@SHIFT-AB Contact: Stephan H. Wissel PLZ 7/8 -- SHIFT Computer GmbH, Niederlassung Freiburg, Rimsinger Weg 10, D-79111 Freiburg im Breisgau Telephone: (+49) 0761-45233-0, FAX: (+49) 0761-45233-95, MHS: PD@INTEG-FR Contact: Peter de Waard In Norway: Infonor Kompetanse A-S, 1816 Skiptvet, Langli Telephone: (+47) 9 809 766, FAX: (+47) 9 809 814, MHS: Olaf@InfoKomp Contact: Olaf Berli In Spain: BSI, Calle Bac de Roda 198, 08020 Barcelona Telephone: (+34) 3 266 3120, FAX: (+34) 3 266 4591 Contact: Josep Rifa In Sweden: Direktrosys, Sandtorpsvagen 10, Nynashamn 14900 Telephone: (+46) 8 520 18200, FAX: (+46) 8 520 18121 Contact: Mats Gahlin In Switzerland (Schweiz): Maurhofer Informatik, Birkenweg 2, Postfach: 353, CH-8304 Wallisellen Telephone: (+41) 01-830-61-41, FAX: (+41) 01-830-70-47, CIS: 100016,2244 Contact: Fritz Maurhofer In U.K.: NetConnect Limited, St. John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge Telephone: (+44) 223 423523, FAX: (+44) 223 420655, MHS: SBacon@NetCon